
Template:After-iGEM-Reset <!DOCTYPE html> iGEM Indian League

# Banner

Welcome to the iGEM Indian League community! We are a new iGEM chapter in India, reimagining the landscape of synthetic biology in the country for students and educators alike!

Why India?

Biotechnology is currently one of the fastest growing industries in India with a massive boom in the past 5 years. But, while a lot of biotech infrastructure and resources exist in the country, this has not been channelized into the field of synthetic biology (SynBio).

With iGEM Indian League we hope to

Tailor initiatives specific to the needs
and capabilities of the
different categories of the region

Increase accessibility by
lowering costs and accounting
for a lower amount of resources


Our central focus is to develop a vibrant SynBio network across India, which not only will establish a sustainable approach to increase participation in iGEM from the country but will also allow for increased SynBio participation, involvement and opportunities. To this end, we have carefully designed the iGEM Indian League that targets the following three major strata:


High School

Encourage more students to take up a degree, project and career in SynBio



Encourage and support students to solve local problems using SynBio solutions and develop accessible SynBio tools



Provide training to develop instructors and thereby expand the mentor pool that supports students interested in SynBio projects

Structure of iGEM Indian League 2022

Our central focus is to develop a vibrant SynBio network across India, which not only will establish a sustainable approach to increase participation in iGEM from the country but will also allow for increased SynBio participation, involvement and opportunities. To this end, we have carefully designed the iGEM Indian League that targets the following three major strata:

High School

The main focus of this cohort would be to give highschool students a flavor of SynBio. We aim to start a dialogue about solving local problems that would eventually inspire them to take up a career in synthetic biology and address regional challenges. Using the format of a Boot Camp, students will get training and an introduction to synthetic biology. As a pilot project for this, the After iGEM Ambassadors to Asia organized the ATGC Indian High School Workshop in July 2021 where an overwhelming response of 430 registrations were received for a 4-day long event.


We want to build the SynBio infrastructure in India by encouraging participants to develop tools to make science accessible and to empower them to address local problems with SynBio. The following pointers enlists the features of the initiative for this stratum: Regional competition: All the projects would focus on designing an integrated SynBio project to solve a local problem with emphasis on accessible science The competition would be complemented with workshops to build capacities and skills for design and modelling The main focus of this mode is understanding a local problem and designing a solution that could help address the issue, with a heavy focus on human practices, biosafety, biosecurity and entrepreneurship


The primary focus for the post graduate cohort would be to train them to be SynBio educators who will be crucial to facilitate people to solve local problems. The participants of the training program can be referred to the Undergraduate league competition as Principal Investigators (PIs) or mentors which will help them gain additional experience in an advisory role.

Get Involved

Our central focus is to develop a vibrant SynBio network across India, which not only will establish a sustainable approach to increase participation in iGEM from the country but will also allow for increased SynBio participation, involvement and opportunities. To this end, we have carefully designed the iGEM Indian League that targets the following three major strata:

Freshmen, Sophomore and Junior undergraduate students

Interested in learning more about Synthetic Biology? Excited to participate in a National Competition with international resources and mentors for you to access?

Start your own Indian League team!

Junior, Senior Undergraduates and Graduates

Join our SynBio certificate training programs for next generation mentors and educators in the field. The program will run for 15 days and is open for interested participants from any background.

Or volunteer with us for this new exciting initiative!

iGEM Alumni/After iGEM

Join our Synbio certificate training program and become a mentor/PI for an Indian League team.


Join our Advisory councils for any one or more of the following roles: Judging Committee member for the Undergraduate Synthetic Biology Competition Curriculum design of our training programs for the High-school, Undergraduates and Educator cohorts Competition Initiative Guideline committee for the Undergraduate Synthetic Biology Competition

Ready to start your iGEM Indian League journey?

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Want to know more about iGEM Indian League?

Read the whitepaper →