Synthetic Biology

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iGEM 2023 Team Information

Team Name: Fudan
Team Code:476559
Fudan University
Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Kind:CollegiateApplication Date:  2023-04-20
Division:iGEMAcceptance Date: 2023-04-24 09:03:11

Team Registration 2023
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Assigned Track: Environment

Title and AbstractMore...
B.HOME - Biofilm Harnessing for Offworld Mankind Establishment
Since the dawn of time, humanity's insatiable curiosity has reached out to the cosmos. With the advent of modern aerospace technology, our ability to explore the universe has expanded, igniting dreams of future space migration. Terrestrial planets, such as Mars, stand as potential destinations for this migration. However, before settlement, we need to reshape "the second home" to make it habitable. The Martian surface is predominantly covered in barren rocks. A sustainable ecosystem, then, must begin with the transformation of Martian soil. Inspired by Earth's ecological architects, lichens, our project Biofilm Harnessing for Offworld Mankind Establishment (B.HOME), aspires to transmute Martian rocks into fertile soil. Through modular design, we constructed a biofilm with extreme tolerance, autotrophic survival, physical structure, and rock weathering function, marking a bold stride toward a viable homeland on terrestrial planets.

Team Roster
Primary PI   [Required]
rippleDaru Lu
Secondary PI   [Recommended] More...
None designated
waveLiang Cai
Student Leaders
YijunWangYijun Wang
Student Members
Zhe_DongZhe Dong
jzk1019Zhikai Jiang
Siliang_ZhanSiliang Zhan
XiaohanJiangXiaohan Jiang
mistyfieldZhiyue Chen
zhenmaoyeZhenmao Ye
CheyChenye Li
Luna1Qingying Yang
mingfang_zhengMingfang Zheng
AlinacaoYi Cao
lionelstarickYihan Fang
lanticsongWeiyi Li

This range of part numbers has been assigned to your team for use during the summer: BBa_K4765000 to BBa_K4765999