You can visit the team's wiki by clicking on the team's name. You can see what medal the team won
and view the slides from their presentation, a video of their presentation, and their poster using the other icons.
Best Applied Design, High_school Finalist, High_school Grand Prize Winner, High_school Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, High_school Nominated for Best Presentation, High_school
Nominated for Best New Composite Part, Overgrad
Best New Composite Part, High_school
Best Energy Project Nominated for Best Poster
Nominated for Best Diagnostics Project Nominated for Best Presentation
Best Applied Design Best Part Collection Best Presentation Nominated for Best Environment Project Nominated for Best Model Nominated for Best New Basic Part Nominated for Best New Composite Part Nominated for Best Wiki
Nominated for Best New Basic Part, Overgrad
Best Measurement Project Best Wiki, Overgrad Nominated for Best New Basic Part, Overgrad
Nominated for Best New Application Project Nominated for Best New Composite Part Nominated for Best Part Collection
Nominated for Best Diagnostics Project
Best Environment Project Nominated for Best New Basic Part
Best Education & Public Engagement Best New Application Project Best Plant Synthetic Biology Finalist Second Runner Up
Best Entrepreneurship Best Food & Nutrition Project Finalist First Runner Up Nominated for Best Applied Design Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices Nominated for Best Poster Nominated for Best Presentation Nominated for Best Wiki
Best New Composite Part Best Therapeutics Project Nominated for Best Model
Best Education & Public Engagement, High_school Best Model, High_school Best Part Collection, High_school Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, High_school Nominated for Best Poster, High_school Nominated for Best Wiki, High_school
Best Education & Public Engagement, Overgrad Best Presentation, Overgrad Best Therapeutics Project, Overgrad Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Environment Project
Best Environment Project, Overgrad Nominated for Best Model, Overgrad Nominated for Best New Basic Part, Overgrad Nominated for Best New Composite Part, Overgrad Nominated for Best Part Collection, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Energy Project
Nominated for Best Hardware, Overgrad Nominated for Best New Application Project, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Applied Design, Overgrad Nominated for Best Environment Project, Overgrad Nominated for Best Poster, Overgrad
Nominated for Best New Composite Part, Overgrad
Best Plant Synthetic Biology, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Wiki, High_school
Nominated for Best Hardware, Overgrad Nominated for Best Poster, Overgrad
Nominated for Best New Composite Part, High_school Nominated for Best Part Collection, High_school Nominated for Best Poster, High_school Nominated for Best Presentation, High_school
Nominated for Best Information Processing Project Nominated for Best Software Tool, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Model, Overgrad Nominated for Best Part Collection, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Entrepreneurship Nominated for Best Measurement
Best Information Processing Project Nominated for Best Education & Public Engagement, Overgrad Nominated for Best Software Tool, Overgrad Nominated for Best Wiki, Overgrad
Best Education & Public Engagement Best Foundational Advance Project Best New Basic Part Best Poster Best Wiki Finalist Grand Prize Winner Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices Nominated for Best Model Nominated for Best New Composite Part
Best Diagnostics Project Nominated for Best Applied Design Nominated for Best Education & Public Engagement Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices Nominated for Best Model Nominated for Best Software Tool
Nominated for Best Applied Design, Overgrad Nominated for Best Environment Project, Overgrad Nominated for Best Presentation, Overgrad
Best Hardware, Overgrad Best Manufacturing Project, Overgrad Best Software Tool, Overgrad Finalist, Overgrad Grand Prize Winner, Overgrad Nominated for Best Entrepreneurship, Overgrad Nominated for Best Model, Overgrad Nominated for Best New Composite Part, Overgrad Nominated for Best Presentation, Overgrad
Best Model Nominated for Best Education & Public Engagement
Nominated for Best Applied Design, High_school Nominated for Best Education & Public Engagement, High_school
Nominated for Best Hardware
Nominated for Best Education & Public Engagement Nominated for Best Presentation Nominated for Best Therapeutics Project Nominated for Best Wiki
Best Integrated Human Practices, Overgrad Nominated for Best Applied Design, Overgrad
Best Applied Design, Overgrad Best Diagnostics Project, Overgrad Best Entrepreneurship, Overgrad Nominated for Best Presentation, Overgrad
Best Wiki, Overgrad Nominated for Best Education & Public Engagement, Overgrad Nominated for Best Poster, Overgrad Nominated for Best Presentation, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Diagnostics Project
Best Foundational Advance Project, Overgrad Nominated for Best New Basic Part, Overgrad Nominated for Best Part Collection, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Education & Public Engagement, Overgrad Nominated for Best Presentation, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Model Nominated for Best New Application Project Nominated for Best New Basic Part
Best Model, Overgrad Best New Application Project, Overgrad Best New Composite Part, Overgrad Nominated for Best Wiki, Overgrad
Best Manufacturing Project Nominated for Best Part Collection
Nominated for Best Poster
Nominated for Best Entrepreneurship Nominated for Best New Composite Part Nominated for Best Therapeutics Project
Nominated for Best Measurement, Overgrad
Best Hardware Best Software Tool
Nominated for Best Therapeutics Project
Finalist, Overgrad First Runner Up, Overgrad Nominated for Best Applied Design, Overgrad Nominated for Best Food & Nutrition Project Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Overgrad Nominated for Best Model, Overgrad Nominated for Best Poster, Overgrad Nominated for Best Wiki, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Software Tool
Best New Basic Part, Overgrad Best Part Collection, Overgrad Nominated for Best Foundational Advance Project, Overgrad Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Foundational Advance Project Nominated for Best New Basic Part Nominated for Best Part Collection
Nominated for Best Applied Design Nominated for Best Software Tool
Nominated for Best Manufacturing Project
Best Integrated Human Practices, High_school Nominated for Best Education & Public Engagement, High_school Nominated for Best Model, High_school Nominated for Best Wiki, High_school
Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices
Best Measurement, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Environment Project
Nominated for Best Poster, High_school Nominated for Best Wiki, High_school
Nominated for Best Part Collection, Overgrad Nominated for Best Poster, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Applied Design, High_school Nominated for Best Education & Public Engagement, High_school Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, High_school Nominated for Best Poster, High_school Nominated for Best Presentation, High_school
Nominated for Best Environment Project
Best Measurement Nominated for Best Manufacturing Project
Nominated for Best Part Collection Nominated for Best Presentation Nominated for Best Therapeutics Project Nominated for Best Wiki
Nominated for Best Education & Public Engagement, Overgrad
Nominated for Best Hardware
Best Integrated Human Practices Nominated for Best Applied Design
Best Poster, High_school Best Presentation, High_school Best Wiki, High_school
Nominated for Best Foundational Advance Project Nominated for Best Poster